Originally posted at Enjoy Yourself
Originally posted at Enjoy Yourself
Gorgeous aren't they? Hubby did awesome in the flower picking department.
I was so lucky to have these greeting me this morning, since things did not get off to a great start.
My car died. Sob.
Seriously. Is it just me or does everyone else think I'm unlucky when it comes to cars? I went out to start him up (yes, my car is a boy, still nameless though) and was met with rurr ruurrr silence. Go ahead, make fun. But do you know how to spell the whiny sound the car makes?
After dragging Adam away from his slumber, I stood idly by as he hooked up the jumper cables and made smart comments such as: I hope you don't blow up my car.
It wouldn't jump. So my poor husband who was planning on going into late today had to hop in the shower and hightail it out of there so he could drive me to work.
But beautiful lilies brightened my day this morning. And it's 60 degrees outside. In February. In Cleveland. I know it's a fluke but let's enjoy the moment while it lasts.
Since Adam wasn't going to be here for Hearts Day, I decided we'd celebrate a little early instead. So on Saturday while he was out shoveling the last of snow, I quickly made one his favorite meals: homemade spaghetti and meatballs (a la lady and the tramp). And of course threw some Texas Toast in the oven because the homemade kind never tastes as good as the frozen stuff.
And no romantic dinner is complete without champagne. But my spur-of-the-moment plan didn't include a trip to the grocery store so I ended up raiding our wine rack instead.
And for dessert? I recreated one of Adam's favorites from our honeymoon: chocolate molten lava cake. Or as he calls it, 'the chocolate factory'.
Gooey and rich, it was the perfect finale to our impromptu Valentine's Day meal.
It might be untraditional, but a cozy valentine's day is just as good as a fancy night out. And as for my Feb 14th? Well, I spent it curled up in bed, with a glass of wine and a good book. Absolute bliss.
We saw Sanctum this weekend. Gulp.
Allow me to back up a moment and let you in on a secret. Hubs and I have NEVER been to a movie together. No joke. Six and half years. No movie. Apparently we are the weirdest of the weird for this streak.
So we broke it. And went to experience the hype of 3D with our friends Lauren and Joe. The trailer for the movie looked decent, and although it was an obvious plot, we figured the 3D special effects might make this a blockbuster. Not to mention it's a James Cameron film, that's usually a promising point.
But first things first, you get to wear these stellar glasses. Be jealous, you know you want them.
Second. If you have ever, ever, EVER felt like you might be the tiniest bit claustrophobic, do not go see this movie. My head was spinning. They're trapped. In this cave. Underwater. With no air. Oh, and the way out involves swimming through tunnels that no human could possibly fit through, but they do.
As for the 3D aspect, it certainly added to the movie, but wasn't as ah-mazing as I was expecting. I'd spring for another one though, just to give it another go.
And we can't look past the fact that Adam actually sat through a whole movie. Without getting up. Another everyday miracle.
Anyone else get sick watching this movie? Or an I the only wimp with a weak stomach?
I received a sweet treat from my sweet today:
A bouquet of lillies (I can't wait for them to bloom!) along with some delightful chocolates, soothing bath salts and a cuddly teddy bear. And while this all perfectly cliche of Valentine's Day, I love it. We don't usually celebrate holidays in the traditional manner, but with Adam being gone for work this week, it was the perfect reminder of how lucky I am to have him in my life.
Our story began as all great love stories begin...in college. Sophomore year at The Ohio State University meant moving back into the dorms. As luck would have it, we were placed in rooms right across the hall from each other, with only three feet of worn-out carpet separating our doors. At first I wasn't too keen on Adam, simply because he was a bit of a joker and well, I already had a beau. But he quickly won me over with his charm and good looks. He'll tell you he 'wooed' me, I still don't count lunch in the cafeteria as a date.
Our college dating years were rough as we both struggled to grow up and define who we were as people. And even though here and there we hit rough patches, we always remained best friends even when we weren't actually together. We were like magnets that just couldn't stay away from each other.
My senior year everything turned around. Adam showed up on my doorstep the week before classes began. He has some whole speech prepared, but barely got out 'I want to do this for real' because I kissed him and said 'I'm in'. The rest is pretty much a blur. We fell in love, enjoyed every moment, every adventure. Planned out our lives together. Took trips, ate ice cream, rescued a dog. And then one day in June of 2009, he got down on one knee and told me what I already knew: we were meant to be together for the rest of our lives.
This past year on July 2nd, we became husband and wife in front of all our friends and family. And life has been bliss ever since.
I love the person Adam has become. And I love that I can still see that charming boy from sophomore year in him too. He's my perfect match, my better half and I can't wait to see the rest of our story unfold.
Sleepy puppies are so precious.
I'm relishing in life today. 2010 brought so many changes to our lifestyle and 2011 is bound to be just as crazy. As we contemplate where the year will take us I've become excited and fearful of the chaos that is sure to ensue.
But that's life. And that's how we like it. And I am so grateful to have been blessed with a wonderfully patient husband and that sleepy puppy above.
My heart is full of love today for them both.
And the smiles that they bring.
We have a super, amazing, omg-I-can't-ever-not-have-one-again dual matress pad heater that hubby's parents got us for Christmas. Thankfully, because even with a king-sized comforter on our queen-sized bed, the cover wars are reaching a new level of aggression during the winter nights.
The addition of a preheated bed before slipping under the covers for sweet dreams is just too wonderful.
But I kept waking up in the middle of the night dying of heat. And wondering why since I turn my bed warmer off before drifting off to sleep. Hot flashes at 25? This does not bode well for the future.
Fast forward to Saturday night...after leaving Adam to his xBox, I cuddled up with a book in bed. Flipping on the heat warmer, ready for a cozy hour of reading. Except I was shivering. Even after 20 minutes. Did I break it? Why isn't the dang bed warm?!
Turning to get out of bed to seek the help of my handyman husband, I rolled over onto his side and felt instant warmth.
Adam had accidently switched the controllers when setting up the bed. So while he's been shivering in the night because I turn my controller off, I've been sweatin' to the oldies because he keeps his warmer on throughout the night.
Mystery solved. Of course, we still haven't switched the controllers back so each night now ends with a goodnight kiss and 'what would you like your warmer set at?'
As for the dog? He just lays right in the middle between our heads so he gets the best of both worlds, regardless of the matress temp.
We had a small gaggle of people over for dinner on a few nights ago. At which I made the executive decision that serving oranges and stale pretzels as a meal was not acceptable in 98% of the world. So to the pizza shop we went.
Actually it was more like to the internet we went. I ordered the pizza online. Informed Adam it would be ready in 20 minutes. Gave him an order rundown and price.
So off he went.
My phone rang with the news that they didn't receive the internet order. No big deal. They'll have it made in 15 minutes.
My phone rang again 16 minutes later.
Adam: Just out of curiousity, where did you order pizza from?
Me: Marcos, why?
Adam: I think I know why they didn't get our order...
He went to a completely different pizza place. That we don't ever order pizza from. And has no idea why he had it in his mind that I had ordered pizza there. Sigh. He hears what he wants to hears.
I want health and healing and holding close. I want similar souls. I want passionate yeses. I want to hear jazz with my eyes closed, and dig my toes into the sand dancing. I want to climb to the summit and yell and sleep under the stars. I want to laugh my head off and play marbles and sleep in and eat croissants in bed with butter and marmalade and spill coffee and wear lace and trip holding your hand because I am listening soo closely.
Thanks to this lovely lady for posting it :)
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